We know that unfortunately, cancellations can happen.
In the event that a booking needs to be canceled, the below Booking Cancellation Policy applies.
We encourage our Members to communicate directly with The Shout House in the event of a cancellation as soon as possible and also immediately notify to initiate the booking cancellation process.

You must agree to this Booking Cancellation Policy as part of The Shout! House Terms of Service (Service Agreement) in order to use The Shout House booking platform. The Shout House will initiate all refunds, fees, or applicable payments in accordance with the Booking Cancellation Policy. The Shout House also reserves the right to collect any fees for cancellations in accordance with this Booking Cancellation Policy.

There may be some cases where The Shout House needs to cancel a booking and initiate a refund in accordance with the Booking Cancellation Policy outlined below. These circumstances may include knowledge of potential illegal activity or harm, risk or safety concerns, violation of Community Guidelines, or any other extenuating circumstance.

Cancellations and Refunds for Daily (1 Day) and Weekly (5 Days) services of all Chairs and all Rooms

- Cancellations before 7 days of reservation start time - 100% REFUNDABLE
- Cancellations between 7 days and 24 hours of reservation start time - NON REFUNDABLE - FREE RESCHEDULE
- Cancellations within 24 hours of reservation start time - NON REFUNDABLE & NOT AMENDABLE

Cancellations and Refunds for Monthly (30 Days or more) services of all Chairs and all Rooms

- Cancellations before 14 days of reservation start time - 100% REFUNDABLE
- Cancellations between 14 days and 7 days of reservation start time - NON REFUNDABLE - FREE RESCHEDULE
- Cancellations within 7 days of reservation start time - NON REFUNDABLE & NOT AMENDABLE

Cancellations and Refunds Premium Services



When approved by The Shout House, a booking may be rescheduled if mutually agreed upon. This must be agreed upon in a time period that complies with the Booking Cancellation Policy.